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现任职于河南大学省部共建作物逆境雷火体育适应与改良重点实验室/生命科学学院。在Trends in Plant Science、Plant Cell、Nature Communication, New Phytologist、PLoS Genetics、Plant Cell Environment和Journal of Integrative Plant Biology等高水平期刊发表论文30多篇,其中第一作者和通讯作者的论文14篇。2019年以来先后主持两项国家自然科学基金(1项青年基金和1项面上项目)和河南省优青。

目前担任Frontiers in Plant Science期刊abiotic stress领域编委和植物低温应答分子机制专刊副主编。近年来受邀担任Trends in Plant Science, Plant Cell、New Phytologist、Plant Journal、JIPB、BMC Plant biology、Frontiers in Plant Science等植物学高水平期刊的审稿人。雷火体育zhuyf@populardrinkrecipes.com.








2011年-2014年美国普渡大学植物病理系博士后(导师:Tesfaye Mengiste教授)

2010年-2011年美国康涅狄格大学植物系研究助理(导师:Gerald Berkowitz)












1.Chong L, Xu R, Huang P, Guo P, Zhu M, Du H, Sun X, Ku L, Zhu JK,Zhu Y*. The tomato OST1-VOZ1 module regulates drought-mediated flowering.Plant Cell.(2022). Online (doi:10.1093/plcell/koac026).

2.Chong L,Zhu Y*. Mass spectrometry-based proteomics for abiotic stress studies.Trends Plant Sci.(2022).Online.(doi:10.1016/j.tplants.2021.12.013.)

3.Su X, Wang B, Geng X, Du Y, Yang Q, Liang B, Meng G, Gao Q, Yang W, Zhu Y, Lin T. A high-continuity and annotated tomato reference genome.BMC Genomics. (2021). 22:898.

4.Guo P, Chong L, Wu F, Hsu CC, Li C, Zhu JK,Zhu Y*Mediator tail module subunits MED16 and MED25 differentially regulate abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis.J Integr Plant Biol.(2021). 63:802-815.

5.Chong L, Shi X,Zhu Y*Signal Integration by Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 8 (CDK8) Module and Other Mediator Subunits in Biotic and Abiotic Stress ResponsesInt J Mol Sci.(2020). 22:354.

6.Chong L, Guo P,Zhu Y*. Mediator Complex: A Pivotal Regulator of ABA Signaling Pathway and Abiotic Stress Response in PlantsInt J Mol Sci.(2020). 21:7755.

7.Zhu Y*, Huang P, Guo P, Chong L, Yu G, Sun X, Hu T, Li Y, Hsu CC, Tang K, Zhou Y, Zhao C, Gao W, Tao WA, Mengiste T, Zhu JK. CDK8 is associated with RAP2.6 and SnRK2.6 and positively modulates abscisic acid signaling and drought response in Arabidopsis.New Phytol.(2020). 228:1573-1590.

8.Ren Z, Zhang D, Cao L, Zhang W, Zheng H, Liu Z, Han S, Dong Y, Zhu F, Liu H, Su H, Chen Y, Wu L,Zhu Y*,Ku L*. Functions and regulatory framework of ZmNST3 in maize under lodging and drought stress.Plant Cell Environ.(2020). 43:2272-2286.

9.Wang Z, Hong Y, Zhu G, Li Y, Niu Q, Yao J, Hua K, Bai J,Zhu Y, Shi H, Huang S, Zhu JK. Loss of salt tolerance during tomato domestication conferred by variation in a Na+/K+transporter.EMBO J.(2020). 39:e103256.

10.Han H, Yan A, Li L,Zhu Y, Feng B, Liu X, Zhou Y. A signal cascade originated from epidermis defines apical-basal patterning of Arabidopsis shoot apical meristems.Nat Commun.(2020). 11(1):1214.

11.Xing J, Li X, Wang X, Lv X, Wang L, Zhang L,Zhu Y, Shen Q, Baluška F, Šamaj J, Lin J. Secretion of Phospholipase Dδ Functions as a Regulatory Mechanism in Plant Innate Immunity.Plant Cell.(2019). 31:3015-3032.

12.Lu Z, Cui J, Wang L, Teng N, Zhang S, Lam H M,Zhu Y, Xiao S, Ke W, Lin J, Xu C, Jin B. Genome-wide DNA mutations in Arabidopsis plants after multigenerational exposure to high temperatures.Genome biology, (2021). 22(1), 160.

13.He G, Zhang Y, Liu P, Jing Y, Zhang L,Zhu Y, Kong X, Zhao H, Zhou Y, Sun J. The transcription factor TaLAX1 interacts with Q to antagonistically regulate grain threshability and spike morphogenesis in bread wheat.New Phytol.(2021). 230:988-1002.

14.Hsu CC#,Zhu Y#, Arrington JV, Paez JS, Wang P, Zhu P, Chen IH, Zhu JK, Tao WA. Universal Plant Phosphoproteomics Workflow and Its Application to Tomato Signaling in Response to Cold Stress.Mol Cell Proteomics.(2018).17:2068-2080.

15.Cui Y, Li X, Yu M, Li R, Fan L,Zhu Y, Lin J. Sterols regulate endocytic pathways during flg22-induced defense responses inArabidopsis.Development.(2018). 145:dev165688.

16.Wang P, Zhao Y, Li Z, Hsu CC, Liu X, Fu L, Hou YJ, Du Y, Xie S, Zhang C, Gao J, Cao M, Huang X,Zhu Y, Tang K, Wang X, Tao WA, Xiong Y, Zhu JK. Reciprocal Regulation of the TOR Kinase and ABA Receptor Balances Plant Growth and Stress Response.Mol Cell.(2018). 69:100-112.e6.

17.Zhang H, Yu P, Zhao J, Jiang H, Wang H,Zhu Y, Botella MA, Šamaj J, Li C, Lin J. Expression of tomato prosystemin gene in Arabidopsis reveals systemic translocation of its mRNA and confers necrotrophic fungal resistance.New Phytol.(2018). 217:799-812.

18.Zhu Y*, Wang B, Tang K, Hsu CC, Xie S, Du H, Yang Y, Tao WA, Zhu JK*. An Arabidopsis Nucleoporin NUP85 modulates plant responses to ABA and salt stress.PLoS Genet.(2017). 13:e1007124.

19.Zhao C, Wang P, Si T, Hsu CC, Wang L, Zayed O, Yu Z,Zhu Y, Dong J, Tao WA, Zhu JK. MAP Kinase Cascades Regulate the Cold Response by Modulating ICE1 Protein Stability.Dev Cell.(2017). 43:618-629.e5.

20.Lv X, Jing Y, Xiao J, Zhang Y,Zhu Y, Julian R, Lin J. Membrane microdomains and the cytoskeleton constrain AtHIR1 dynamics and facilitate the formation of an AtHIR1-associated immune complex.Plant J.(2017). 90:3-16.

21.Hou YJ#,Zhu Y#, Wang P#, Zhao Y, Xie S, Batelli G, Wang B, Duan CG, Wang X, Xing L, Lei M, Yan J, Zhu X, Zhu JK. Type One Protein Phosphatase 1 and Its Regulatory Protein Inhibitor 2 Negatively Regulate ABA Signaling.PLoS Genet.(2016). 12(3):e1005835.

22.Chou H,Zhu Y, Ma Y, Berkowitz GA. The CLAVATA signaling pathway mediating stem cell fate in shoot meristems requires Ca(2+) as a secondary cytosolic messenger.Plant J.(2016). 85:494-506.

23.Zhu Y, Schluttenhoffer CM, Wang P, et al. CYCLIN-DEPENDENT KINASE8 differentially regulates plant immunity to fungal pathogens through kinase-dependent and -independent functions in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell.(2014). 26:4149-4170.

24.Wang Y#,Zhu Y#, Ling Y, et al. Disruption of actin filaments induces mitochondrial Ca2+ release to the cytoplasm and [Ca2+]c changes in Arabidopsis root hairs.BMC Plant Biol.(2010). 10:53.

25.Zhu Y, Wang Y, Li R, Song X, Wang Q, Huang S, Jin JB, Liu CM, Lin J. Analysis of interactions among the CLAVATA3 receptors reveals a direct interaction between CLAVATA2 and CORYNE in Arabidopsis.Plant J.(2010). 61:223-33.

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