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闫大伟 博士,特聘教授

Email: ydw2019@126.com


2005年于华中农业大学获植物保护和生物技术双学士学位,2013年中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所获遗传学博士学位。2013-2014年芬兰赫尔辛基大学博士后。2014-2019年英国剑桥大学Research Associate。2019年入选河南大学黄河学者。








1.Dawei Yan*, and Yao Liu. Diverse regulation of plasmodesmal architecture facilitates adaptation to phloem translocation.Journal of Experimental Botany2019, erz567

2.Dawei Yan#,Shri Ram Yadav#, Andrea Paterlini, William J. Nicolas, Ilya Belevich, Magali S. Grison, Anne Vaten, Leila Karami, Sedeer el-Showk, Jung-Youn Lee, Gosia M. Murawska, Jenny Mortimer, Michael Knoblauch, Eija Jokitalo, Jonathan E. Markham, Emmanuelle M. Bayer*, Yka Helariutta*.Sphingolipid biosynthesis modulates plasmodesmal ultrastructure and phloem unloading.Nature Plants2019,5(6):604-615

3.Timothy J. Ross-Elliott, Kaare H. Jensen, Katrine S. Haaning, Brittney Wager, Jan Knoblauch, Alexander Howell, Alexander G. Monteith,Dawei Yan, Sofia Otero, Matthieu Bourdon, Jung-Youn Lee, Ross Sagar, Danae Paultre, Yka Helariutta, Michael Knoblauch, Karl J. Oparka*.Phloem unloading in Arabidopsis roots is convective andregulated by the phloem-pole pericycle.Elife2017,6:e24125

4.Dawei Yan#,Xiaoming Zhang#,Lin Zhang,Shenghai Ye,Longjun Zeng,Jiyun Liu,Qun Li,Zuhua He*.CURVED CHIMERIC PALEA 1encoding an EMF1-like protein maintains epigenetic repression ofOsMADS58in rice palea development.Plant Journal2015, 82(1):12-24

5.Shri Ram Yadav#,Dawei Yan#,Iris Sevilem, Ykä Helariutta*.Plasmodesmata-mediated intercellular signaling during plant growth and development.Frontiers in Plant Science2014,02; 5:44 (#Co-first author)

6.Yongbin Qi, Qinglong Liu, Lin Zhang, Bizeng Mao,Dawei Yan,Qingsheng Jin, Zuhua He*.Fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the novel thermo-sensitive genic male sterilitytms9-1gene in rice.Theoretical and Applied Genetics2014,127(5):1173-82

7.Dawei Yan#, Ya Zhou#, Shenghai Ye,Longjun Zeng,Xiaoming Zhang, Zuhua He*.BEAK-SHAPED GRAIN 1/TRIANGULAR HULL 1,aDUF640gene, is associated with grain shape, size and weight in rice.Science China Life Science2013, 56(3):275-283

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