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E-mail: duanzhikun@populardrinkrecipes.com


主持或参与国家、省部级项目9项,在Plant CellPNASTrends in Plant SciencePlant PhysiologyJIPB等国际著名刊物上发表SCI论文8篇。






(1) 国家自然科学基金青年项目(32000182),拟南芥NAM1蛋白调控类囊体跨膜电位的分子机理研究,2021-2023主持

(2) 国家重点研发计划(2020YF0907604),植物高光效回路的设计与系统优化,2021-2025子课题主持人

(3) 中国博士后基金面上项目(2019M652522),玉米ELL1蛋白调控叶绿体发育的分子机制研究,2019-2020主持

(4) 河南省重点研发与推广专项(科技攻关)项目(212102110479),玉米叶绿体ZmBestZmKEA3协同调控光合效率的分子机制研究,2021-2022主持;

(5) 河南省高等学校重点科研项目(20A180004),玉米ZmMLE蛋白调控叶绿体发育的分子机理研究,2020-2021主持


(1) Xing J#, Duan Z#, Zhang L, Zhang X, Lin J. 3D Imaging of Lipid-Guided Vesicle Trafficking Along the Cytoskeleton. Trends Plant Sci. 2021, 26(4): 421-422 (# co-first author).

(2) Duan Z, Li K, Zhang L, Che L, Lu L, Rochaix JD, Lu C, Peng L. F-Type ATP Synthase Assembly Factors Atp11 and Atp12 in Arabidopsis. Front Plant Sci. 2020, 11: 522753.

(3) Qin X#, Duan Z#, Zheng Y, Liu WC, Guo S, Botella JR, Song CP. ABC1K10a, an atypical kinase, functions in plant salt stress tolerance. BMC Plant Biol. 2020, 20(1): 270 (# co-first author).

(4) Zhang L#, Pu H#, Duan Z#, Li Y, Liu B, Zhang Q, Li W, Rochaix JD, Liu L, Peng L. Nucleus-Encoded Protein BFA1 Promotes Efficient Assembly of the Chloroplast ATP Synthase Coupling Factor 1. Plant Cell. 2018, 30(8):1770-1788 (# co-first author).

(5) Jin H#, Fu M#, Duan Z#, Duan S, Li M, Dong X, Liu B, Feng D, Wang J, Peng L, Wang HB. LOW PHOTOSYNTHETIC EFFICIENCY 1 is required for light-regulated photosystem II biogenesis in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018, 115(26): E6075-E6084 (# co-first author).

(6) Duan Z#, Kong F#, Zhang L, Li W, Zhang J, Peng L. A bestrophin-like protein modulates the proton motive force across the thylakoid membrane in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol. 2016, 58(10): 848-858 (# co-first author).

(7) 段志坤,晓惠,朱晓红,宋纯鹏。解析植物冷信号转导途径:植物如何感知低温。植物学报201853149-153

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