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张田, 河南大学特聘教授。2007年毕业于复旦大学生物科学专业, 获理学学士学位。2015年于美国宾夕法尼亚州州立大学获细胞发育生物学博士学位并继续进行了短期的博士后研究。2017年起, 获欧盟Agreenskills+ Postdoc Fellowship资助, 在法国国家农业研究所(INRA-Versailles)进行独立的研究工作。2020年兼职于美国植物学家协会, The Plant Cell 助理通讯编辑。202010月起在河南大学生命科学学院和雷火体育工作。

主要研究方向为植物细胞壁微观结构及其力学性质、细胞生长的调控机制、植物细胞壁在免疫过程中的作用以及作物尤其是小麦的生殖发育与环境雷火体育适应。研究成果发表于Nature Plants, The Plant Cell, The Plant Journal, Plant Physiology等期刊。

Email: tianzhang@populardrinkrecipes.com


1. Xin XR, Lei L, Zheng YZ, Zhang T, Pingali SV, O’Neill H, Cosgrove DJ, Li SD and Gu Y*. (2020) CELLULOSE SYNTHASE INTERACTIVE1 and microtubule-dependent cell wall architecture is required for acid growth in Arabidopsis hypocotyls. J Exp Bot. 71(10): 2982-2994.

2. Eskandari S*, Höfte H and Zhang T. (2020) Foliar manganese spray induces the resistance of cucumber to Colletotrichum lagenarium. J Plant Physio: doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2020.153129.

3. Zhang T, Tang HS, Vavylonis D, Cosgrove DJ*. (2019). Disentangling loosening from softening: insights into primary cell wall structure. Plant J. 100 (6): 1101-1117. (Research highlight)

4. Durachko DM, Park Y, Zhang T and Cosgrove DJ*. (2017). Biomechanical characterization of onion epidermal cell walls. Bio-protocol. 7(24): e2662.

5. Zhang T, Cosgrove DJ*. (2017) Preparation of onion epidermal cell walls for imaging by atomic force microscopy (AFM). Bio-protocol. 7(24): e2647.

6. Zhang T, Vavylonis D, Durachko D and Cosgrove DJ*. (2017) Nanoscale movements of cellulose microfibrils in primary cell walls. Nature Plants. 3:17056.

7. Zhang T, Zheng YZ, Cosgrove DJ*. (2016) Spatial organization of cellulose microfibrils and matrix polysaccharides in primary plant cell walls as imaged by multi-channel atomic force microscopy. Plant J. 85: 179-192. (Featured article)

8. Xiao CW, Zhang T, Zheng YZ, Cosgrove DJ, Anderson CT*. (2016) Xyloglucan deficiency disrupts microtubule stability and cellulose biosynthesis in Arabidopsis, altering cell growth and morphogenesis. Plant Physiol. 170: 234-249

9. Lei L, Zhang T, Strasser R, Lee CM, Gonneau M, Mach L, Vernhettes S, Kim SH, Cosgrove DJ, Li SD, Gu Y*. (2014) The jiaoyao1 mutant is an allele of korrigan1 that abolishes endoglucanase activity and affects the organization of both cellulose microfibrils and microtubules. The Plant Cell. 26: 2601-2616.

10.Zhang T, Mahgsoudy-Louyeh S, Tittmann B, Cosgrove DJ*. (2014) Visualization of the nanoscale pattern of recently-deposited cellulose microfibrils and matrix materials in never-dried primary walls of the onion epidermis. Cellulose. 21: 853-862.

11. Guo B, Zhang T, Shi J, Chen D, Shen D, Ming F*. (2008) Cloning and characterization of a novel PI-like MADS-box gene in Phalaenopsis orchid. DNA Sequence. 19: 332-339.

12.Guo B, Hexige S, Zhang T, Pittman JK, Chen D, Ming F*. (2007) Cloning and characterization of a PI-like MADS-box gene in Phalaenopsis orchid. J Biochem Mol Biol. 40: 845-852.

13.Chen D, Guo B, Hexige S, Zhang T, Shen D, Ming F*. (2007) SQUA-like genes in the orchid Phalaenopsis are expressed in both vegetative and reproductive tissues. Planta. 226: 369-380.

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