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E-mail:lihao@ populardrinkrecipes.com



2010年获西北农林科技大学学士学位,2016年西北农林科技大学-美国加州大学戴维斯分校联合培养博士,2016-2018年美国加州大学戴维斯分校博士后。2018年9月至今,受聘为河南大学特聘教授在雷火体育工作。目前主持国家重点研发计划(青年科学家项目)、国家自然科学基金、河南省自然科学基金、河南省科技研发计划联合基金等项目,先后参加国家自然科学基金重点项目、973国家重点基础研究发展计划、国家科技支撑计划、美国NSF基金、美国-以色列BARD基金等多个项目,在Nature Plants、Nature Protocols、Molecular Plant、Theoretical and Applied Genetics、The Crop Journal、Journal of Genetics and Genomics等国内外著名学术刊物上发表研究论文20余篇,雷火体育合作审定国审品种3个。





















15.NSF-supported project: BREAD: Development of Novel Salt-tolerant Forage and Cereal Crops, Award Number: 1212591;

16.NSF-supported project: Sequencing theAegilops tauschiiGenome, Award Number: 1238231;

17.BARD project:Introgression of Stripe Rust Resistance Genes FromAegilops speltodiesInto Wheat With A Novel Introgression Methodology, No. IS-4829-15。


1.Hao Li, Lele Zhu, Ruixiao Fan, Zheng Li, Yifan Liu, Aaqib Shaheen, Fang Nie, Can Li, Xuqin Liu, Yuanyuan Li, Wenjuan Liu, Yingying Yang,Tutu Guo, Yu Zhu, Mengchen Bu, Chenglin Li, Huihui Liang, Shenglong Bai,Feifei Ma, Guanghui Guo,ZhenZhang, Jinling Huang, Yun Zhou*, Chun-Peng Song*, 2024. A platform forwholegenome speed introgression from Aegilops tauschii to wheat for breeding future crops,Nature Protocols, 19, 281–312.Doi:10.1038/s41596-023-00922-8(共同第一作者)

2.Zhou, Y., Bai, S.,Li, H., Sun, G., Zhang, D., Ma, F., Zhao, X., Nie, F., Li, J., Chen, L., Lv, L., Zhu, L., Fan, R., Ge, Y., Shaheen, A., Guo, G., Zhang, Z., Ma, J., Liang, H., Qiu, X., Hu, J., Sun, T., Hou, J., Xu, H., Xue, S., Jiang, W., Huang, J., Li, S., Zou, C., Song, C.-P., 2021. Introgressing theAegilops tauschiigenome into wheat as a basis for cereal improvement.NaturePlants. 7, 774–786(共同第一作者,IF=17.352)

3.Tengfei Tang, Shilong Tian, Haoyu Wang, Xiaotong Lv, Yilin Xie, Jinyi Liu, Meiyue Wang, Fei Zhao, Wenli Zhang,Hao Li, Yijing Zhang,2023,Wheat-RegNet: An encyclopedia of common wheat hierarchical regulatory network,Molecular Plant, 16,318-321http://doi.org/10.1016/j.molp.2022.12.018.(共同通讯作者,IF=27.5)

4.Feifei Ma, Ranzhe Li, Guanghui Guo, Fang Nie, Lele Zhu, Wenjuan Liu, Linlin Lyu, Shenglong Bai, Xinpeng Zhao, Zheng Li, Dale Zhang,Hao Li*, Suoping Li*, Yun Zhou*, Chun-Peng Song,Introgression of QTL from Aegilops tauschii enhances yield-related traits in common wheat,The Crop Journal,2023,11(4), 1521-1532 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2023.05.001.(共同通讯作者,IF=6.6)

5.Can Li, Ruixiao Fan, Chongyang Ma, Zheng Li, Lele Zhu, Fang Nie, Yuanyuan Li,Xuqin Liu, Xueting Yu,GuanghuiGuo, Zhen Zhang, Jianwei Zhang,ShishengChen, Yun Zhou, Chun-Peng Song, Xiaojie Chen*,Hao Li*, Reciprocal translocations hidden by phenotype and genotype within the same wheat cultivar,Crop Science, 2023,63:2727–2739 http://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.21041(共同通讯作者,IF=2.3)

6.Hao Li, Fang Nie, Lele Zhu, Menghua Mu, Ruixiao Fan, Jingyao Li, Aaqib Shaheen, Yifan Liu, Can Li, Wenjuan Liu, Huihui Liang, Xinpeng Zhao, Shenglong Bai, Guanghui Guo, Zheng Li, Yiheng Hu, Yuannian Jiao, Jonathan Adams, Assaf Distelfeld, Guiling Sun, Suoping Li, Yun Zhou, Chun-Peng Song, 2022. New insights into the dispersion history and adaptive evolution of taxon Aegilops tauschii in China,Journal of Genetics and Genomics, 49, 185-194 http://doi.org/10.1016/j.jgg.2021.11.004第一作者,封面文章,IF=5.723)

7.Dengji Jiang, Lei Hua, Chaozhong Zhang, Hongna Li, Zheng Wang, Jian Li, Guiping Wang, Rui Song, Tao Shen, Hongyu Li, Shengsheng Bai, Yanna Liu, Jian Wang,Hao Li, Jorge Dubcovsky, Shisheng Chen,Mutations in the miRNA165/166 binding site of the HB2 gene result in pleiotropic effects on morphological traits in wheat,The Crop Journal, 2022,

8.Yan Y.,Li H., Fayyaz A., Gai Y. Metagenomic and network analysis revealed wide distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in monkey gut microbiota. Microbiological Research,2021,254: 126895.

9.Li H, Wang L, Luo M-C, Nie F, Zhou Y, McGuire PE, Distelfeld A, Dai X, Song C, Dvorak J. 2019. Recombination between homoeologous chromosomes induced in durum wheat by theAegilops speltoidesSu1-Ph1 suppressor.Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 132, 3265–3276.(第一作者,IF=5.574)

10.Li H, Deal KR, Luo M-C, Ji W, Distelfeld A and Dvorak J. 2017. Introgression of theAegilops speltoidesSu1-Ph1Suppressor into Wheat.Frontiers in Plant Science8:2163.

11.Li H, Wang YJ, Guo XX, Du YP, Wang CY, Ji WQ. 2016. Chromosomal structure changes and microsatellite variations in newly synthesized hexaploid wheat mediated by unreduced gametes.Journal of Genetics, 95 (4): 819-830

12.Li H, Guo X, Wang C, Ji W. 2015. Spontaneous and divergent hexaploid triticales derived from common wheat× rye by complete elimination of d-genome chromosomes.PloS One,10 (3), e0120421

13.Li H, Han YC, Guo XX, Xue F, Wang CY, Ji WQ. 2015. Genetic effect of locus B2 inhibiting awning in double-ditelosomic 6B ofTriticum durumDR147.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 62:407-418

14.Wang Y, Wang C, Zhang H,Li H, Liu X, Ji W. 2015. Identification and evaluation of disease resistance and HMW-GS composition ofAegilops geniculataRoth.Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 62(7), 1085-1093

15.Wang XH, Chen CH, Wang CY, Mo QB,Li H, Ji WQ. 2015. Molecular cytogenetic identification of a wheat-Thinopyrumponticumsubstitution line with powdery mildew resistance.Journal of Triticeae Crops, 35:596-602. DOI: 10.7606/j.issn.1009-1041.2015.05.03

16.Li H, Wang CY, Fu SL, Guo X, Yang BJ, Chen CH, Zhang H, Wang YJ, Liu XL, Han FP, Ji WQ. 2014. Development and discrimination of 12 double ditelosomics in tetraploid wheat cultivar DR147.Genome, 57(2):89-95

17.Zhang H, Yang YZ, Wang CY, Liu M,Li H, Y Fu, Wang YJ, Nie YB, Liu XX, Ji WQ. 2014. Large-scale transcriptome comparison reveals distinct gene activations in wheat responding to stripe rust and powdery mildew.BMCGenomics,15 (1), 898

18.李浩,王长有,陈春环,符书兰,郭翔,韩方普,吉万全. (2013).利用DR147重双端体探究未减数配子产生机理.中国遗传学会第九次全国会员代表大会暨学术研讨会论文摘要汇编(2009-2013).

19.薛飞,王长有,张丽华,张宏,李浩,王亚娟,刘新伦,吉万全. 2012.来自野生二粒小麦的抗白粉病基因PmAS846及其染色体定位和分子标记分析.作物学报, 38(4), 589-595.









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