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徐秀美博士,教授,博士生导师。河南省优秀青年基金获得者,河南大学黄河学者特聘教授。在Cell、Trends in Cell Biology、Nature Plants、Plant Physiology、等期刊发表论文18篇,主持国家重点研发计划课题、子课题,国家自然科学基金青年和面上项目。





2004.09-2008.06 山东师范大学生命科学学院理学学士

2008.09-2014.12 中国科学院大学/中国科学院植物研究所理学博士

2014.12-2017.01中国科学院植物研究所 博士后











1.Xiong H, Lu D, Li Z, Wu J, Ning X, Lin W, Bai Z, Zheng C, Sun Y, Chi W, Zhang L, Xu X*. (2023)The DELLA-ABI4-HY5 module integrates light and gibberellin signals to regulate hypocotyl elongation. Plant Communications 4: 100597.

2.Wu J, Chen S, Wang C, Lin W, Huang C, Fan C, Han D, Lu D, Xu X, Sui S, Zhang L*. (2023)Regulatory dynamics of higher plant PSI-LHCI supercomplex during state transitions. Molecular Plant16:1937-1950.

3.Wu J, Rong L, Lin W, Kong L, Wei D, Zhang L, Rochaix JD, Xu X*. (2021)Functional redox links between Lumen Thiol Oxidoreductase1 and Serine/Threonine-protein kinase STN7. Plant Physiology186: 964-976.

4.Xu X, Ouyang M, Lu D, Zheng C, Zhang L*. (2021)Protein sorting within chloroplasts.Trends in Cell Biology31: 9-16.

5.Xu X, Zheng C, Lu D, Song CP, Zhang L*. (2021)Phase separation in plants: New insights into cellular compartmentalization.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology63: 1835-1855.

6.Xu X, Chi W, Sun X, Feng P, Guo H, Li J, Lin R, Lu C, Wang H, Leister D, Zhang L*. (2016) Convergence of light and chloroplast signals for de-etiolation through ABI4-HY5 and COP1. Nature Plants 2: 16066.

7.Zhu D, Xiong H, Wu J, Zheng C, Lu D, Zhang L, Xu X*. (2022)Protein targeting into the thylakoid membrane through different pathways.Frontiers in Physiology 12: 802057.

8.Zhang J, Bai Z, Ouyang M, Xu X, Xiong H, Wang Q, Grimm B, Rochaix JD, Zhang L*. (2021)The DnaJ proteins DJA6 and DJA5 are essential for chloroplast iron-sulfur cluster biogenesis.The EMBO Journal40: e106742.

9.Li J, Zhang Y, Gao Z, Xu X, Wang Y, Lin Y, Ye P, Huang T*. (2021)Plant U-box E3 ligases PUB25 and PUB26 control organ growth inArabidopsis.New Phytologist 229: 403-413.

10.Tan W, Han Q, Li Y, Yang F, Li J, Li P, Xu X, Lin H, Zhang D*. (2021)A HAT1-DELLA signaling module regulates trichome initiation and leaf growth by achieving gibberellin homeostasis. New Phytologist 231: 1220-1235.

11.Zheng C, Xu X, Zhang L, Lu D*. (2021)Liquid-liquid phase separation phenomenon on protein sorting within chloroplasts. Frontiers in Physiology 12: 801212.

12.Ouyang M, Li X, Zhang J, Feng P, Pu H, Kong L, Bai Z, Rong L, Xu X, Chi W, Wang Q, Chen F, Lu C, Shen J, Zhang L*. (2020)Liquid-liquid phase transition drives intra-chloroplast cargo sorting. Cell180: 1144-1159.

13.Bai Z, Zhang J, Ning X, Guo H, Xu X, Huang X, Wang Y, Hu Z, Lu C, Zhang L, Chi W*. (2020) A kinase-phosphatase-transcription factor module regulates adventitious root emergence inArabidopsisroot-hypocotyl junctions. Molecular Plant 13:1162-1177.

14.Mu Y, Zou M, Sun X, He B,Xu X,Liu Y, Zhang L, Chi W*. (2017)Basic pentacysteine proteins repress Abscisic Acid Insensitive4 expression via direct recruitment of the polycomb-repressive complex 2 inArabidopsisroot development.Plant and Cell Physiology58: 607-621.

15.Guo H, Feng P, Chi W, Sun X, Xu X, Li Y, Ren D, Lu C, Rochaix J, Leister D, Zhang L*.(2016) Plastid-nucleus communication involves calcium-modulated MAPK signaling. Nature Communications 7: 12173.

16.Chi W, Li J, He B, Chai X, Xu X, Sun X, Jiang J, Feng P, Zuo J, Lin R, Rochaix JD, Zhang L*. (2016) DEG9, a serine protease, modulates cytokinin and light signaling by regulating the level of ARABIDOPSIS RESPONSE REGULATOR 4. PNAS 113: E3568-3576.

17.Feng P, Guo H, Chi W, Chai X, Sun X, Xu X, Ma J, Rochaix JD, Leister D, Wang H, Lu C, Zhang L*. (2016) Chloroplast retrograde signal regulates flowering. PNAS 113: 10708-10713.

18.Sun X, Feng P, Xu X, Guo H, Ma J, Chi W, Lin R, Lu C, Zhang L*.(2011)A chloroplast envelope-bound PHD transcription factor mediates chloroplast signals to the nucleus. Nature Communications 2: 477.








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