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丁建清,博士,教授,博士生导师。河南大学攀登计划第一层次特聘教授。2002年在中国农业大学获昆虫学博士学位;2002-2006分别在美国康乃尔大学和密歇根州立大学进行博士后研究。2006-2016年在中国科学院武汉植物园担任研究员(其间: 2014.10-2016.7年担任中国科学院武汉植物园副主任(副所长)。19892002年分别在北京市农科院和中国农科院工作(期间:1994年作为访问学者在国际农业与生物研究中心(CABI)瑞士分中心参加雷火体育合作研究; 1996年在澳大利亚科工组织(CSIRO)及昆士兰大学接受国际生物防治短期培训;2001年在南非国家植物保护研究所(PPRI)开展生物入侵短期雷火体育合作研究)。

目前兼任国际生物防治组织(IOBC)副主席中国生态学会生物入侵专业委员会副主任、Journal of Plant Ecology副主编以及生物多样性、 植物科学学报、 生物安全学报、杂草学报等编委。

近年来先后承担或参加了国家科技支撑计划、国家重点研发专项、973计划、国家林业局项目、国际雷火体育合作项目以及国家自然科学基金等多个项目;以第一或通讯作者发表SCI期刊文章70余篇,其中包括Nature Communications, Ecology Letters, The ISME Journal等;荣获多项省部级科技成果奖励;培养的研究生连续两年获得中国科学院“优秀博士论文奖”



Sun X, Siemann, E, Liu Z, Wang Q, Wang D, Huang W, Zhang C, Ding* J. 2019. Root feeding larvae increase their performance by inducing leaf volatiles that attract aboveground conspecific adults. Journal of Ecology (accepted)

Yang, Q, Ding* J, Siemann, E. 2019. Biogeographic variation of distance-dependent effects in an invasive tree species. Functional Ecology. http://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13306

Lu* X, He M, Ding* J. Siemann E. 2018. Latitudinal variation in soil biota: testing the biotic interaction hypothesis with an invasive plant and a native congener. The ISME Journal. 12: 2811–2822.

Lu* X, Siemann E, He M, Wei, H, Shao X, Ding* J. 2016. Warming benefits a native species competing with an invasive congener in the presence of a biocontrol beetle. New Phytologist. 211: 1371-1381.

Lu X, Siemann E, He M, Wei H, Shao X, Ding* J. 2015. Climate warming increases biological control agent impact on a non-target species. Ecology Letters. 18: 48-56. (F1000 recommended)

Huang W, Siemann E, Xiao L, Yang X, Ding* J. 2014. Species-specific defence responses facilitate conspecifics and inhibit heterospecifics in above-belowground herbivore interactions. Nature Communications. 5: 4851.

Lu X, Siemann E, Shao X, Wei H, Ding* J. 2013. Climate warming affects biological invasions by shifting interactions of plants and herbivores. Global Change Biology. 19: 2339-2347.

Huang W, Siemann E, Yang X, Wheeler GS, Ding* J. 2013. Facilitation and inhibition: changes in plant nitrogen and secondary metabolites mediate interactions between above-ground and below-ground herbivores. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. 280: 20131318

Huang W, Carrillo J, Ding* J, Siemann E. 2012. Invader partitions ecological and evolutionary responses to above- and belowground herbivory. Ecology. 93: 2343-2352.

Wang Y, Siemann E, Wheeler GS, Zhu L, Gu X, Ding* J. 2012. Genetic variation in anti-herbivore chemical defences in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology. 100: 894-904.

Wang Y, Huang W, Siemann E, Zou J, Wheeler SG, Carrillo J, Ding* J. 2011. Lower resistance and higher tolerance of host plants: biological control agents reach high densities but exert weak control. Ecological Applications. 21: 729–738.

Huang W, Siemann E, Wheeler SG, Zou J, Carrillo J, Ding* J. 2010. Resource allocation to defense and growth are driven by different responses to generalist and specialist herbivory in an invasive plant. Journal of Ecology. 98: 1157–1167.

Ding, J., Mack, R.N., Lu, L., Ren, M., Huang*, H. 2008 China’s booming economy is sparking and accelerating biological invasions. BioScience 58: 317-324 (BioScience网站配发通讯)




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