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1996年于河北师范大学生物教育专业获理学学士学位,2002年于河北师范大学细胞生物学专业获理学博士学位。2002.12-2006.07在美国范德堡大学(Vanderbilt University)Carl H. Johnson实验室,2006.08-2010.10在美国达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)Rob McClung实验室做博士后(Postdoc.)和副研究员(Research Associate),研究领域均为生物钟(Circadian Clock)/时间生物学(Chronobiology)。2010.10-2018.10河北师范大学特聘教授,“细胞生物学国家重点学科”海外人才引进,生命科学学院细胞生物学教研室主任,教育部分子细胞学重点实验室“生物节律”课题组长,时间生物学研究雷火体育负责人;2018年11月至今,河南大学生命科学学院、省部共建植物逆境生物学重点实验室教授。现任中国细胞生物学学会第11届理事会理事,中国细胞生物学学会生物节律分会副会长。入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划(2013年)”、教育部“全国优秀教师(2014年)”。
















11.主持“河北省高等学校高层次人才科学研究项目”(2014-2016): 生物钟调控植物优良农艺性状的分子机制研究(GCC2014063)。

12.主持“河北省留学回国人员科技资助项目” (2011-2013)(20100502)。





1.Xu, X., Yuan, L., and Xie, Q. (2022). The circadian clock ticks in plant stress responses. Stress Biology: DOI: 10.1007/s44154-022-00040-7.

2.Xu, X., Yuan, L., Yang, X., Zhang, X., Wang, L., and Xie, Q. (2022). Circadian clock in plants: Linking timing to fitness. J Integr Plant Biol: doi: 10.1111/jipb.13230.

3.Liu, L., Li, X., Yuan, L., Zhang, G., Gao, H., Xu, X., and Zhao, H. (2022). XAP5 CIRCADIAN TIMEKEEPER specifically modulates 3’ splice site recognition and is important for circadian clock regulation partly by alternative splicing of LHY and TIC. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 172, 151-157.

4.谢启光,徐小冬. (2022).作物生物钟的研究进展与前瞻.植物生理学报Plant Physiology Journal 58, 39-51.

5.徐小冬. (2022).生物钟与周期节律专栏编者寄语.植物生理学报Plant Physiology Journal 58, 1-2.

6.袁力,徐小冬. (2022).生物钟与植物的非生物胁迫信号响应.植物生理学报Plant Physiology Journal 58, 13–20.


8.Xie, Q., Wang, Q., and Xu, X. (2022). Firefly Luciferase Complementation-Based Analysis of Dynamic Protein-Protein Interactions Under Diurnal and Circadian Conditions in Arabidopsis. Methods Mol Biol 2398, 205-213.

9.Xie, Q., Wang, Y., Yuan, L., and Xu, X. (2022). Measurement of Luciferase Rhythms in Soybean Hairy Roots. Methods Mol Biol 2398, 65-73.

10.Xu, X., Yuan, L., and Xie, Q. (2022). Circadian Rhythm: Phase Response Curve and Light Entrainment. Methods Mol Biol 2398, 1-13. (通讯作者)

11.谢启光,徐小冬.(2022)植物生物钟与蛋白质组研究,《雷火体育适应》(第一版),王旭初,阮松林,徐平等编著.科学出版社,第19章, 758-779页.

12.Yuan, L., Yu, Y., Liu, M., Song, Y., Li, H., Sun, J., Wang, Q., Xie, Q., Wang, L., and Xu, X. (2021). BBX19 fine-tunes the circadian rhythm by interacting with PSEUDO-RESPONSE REGULATOR proteins to facilitate their repressive effect on morning-phased clock genes. Plant Cell 33, 2602-2617. (共同通讯作者)

13.Bu, T., Lu, S., Wang, K., Dong, L., Li, S., Xie, Q.,Xu, X., Cheng, Q., Chen, L., Fang, C., Li, H.,Liu, B., Weller, J.L., and Kong, F.(2021). A critical role of the soybean evening complex in the control of photoperiod sensitivity and adaptation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118.

14.Zhang, S., Liu, H., Yuan, L., Li, X., Wang, L.,Xu, X., and Xie, Q.(2021) Recognition of CCA1 alternative protein isoforms during temperature acclimation. Plant Cell Rep40, 421-432. (共同通讯作者)

15.Yuan, L., Xie, G.Z., Zhang, S., Li, B., Wang, X., Li, Y., Liu, T., andXu, X.(2021). GmLCLs negatively regulate ABA perception and signaling genes in soybean leaf dehydration response.Plant Cell Environ44,412-424. (通讯作者)

16.Kong, Y.M., Han, L., Liu, X., Wang, H.F., Wen, L.Z., Yu, X.L.,Xu, X.D.,Kong, F.J., Fu, C.X., Mysore, K.S., Wen, J.Q., and Zhou, C.E.(2020). The nodulation and nyctinastic leaf movement is orchestrated by clock geneLHYinMedicago truncatula. J Integr Plant Biol62,1880-1894.

17.Yuan, L., Hu, Y., Li, S.L.,Xie, Q.G., and Xu, X.D.(2020). PRR9 and PRR7 negatively regulate the expression of EC components under warm temperature in roots.Plant Signal Behav16, 1855384. (共同通讯作者)

18.Liu, Y., Ma, M., Li, G., Yuan, L., Xie, Y., Wei, H., Ma, X., Li, Q., Devlin, P.F.,Xu, X., and Wang, H.(2020). Transcription Factors FHY3 and FAR1 Regulate Light-induced CIRCADIAN CLOCK ASSOCIATED1 Gene Expression in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell32,1464-1478.

19.Li, D., Wei, J., Peng, Z., Ma, W., Yang, Q., Song, Z., Sun, W., Yang, W., Yuan, L.,Xu, X.,Chang, W., Rengel, Z., Shen, J., Reiter, R.J., Cui, X., Yu, D., and Chen, Q.(2020). Daily rhythms of phytomelatonin signaling modulate diurnal stomatal closure via regulating reactive oxygen species dynamics in Arabidopsis. J Pineal Res, 68,e12640.

20.Li, Y., Wang, L., Yuan, L., Song, Y., Sun, J., Jia, Q.,Xie, Q., and Xu, X.(2020). Molecular investigation of organ-autonomous expression of Arabidopsis circadian oscillators.Plant Cell Environ, 43,1501-1512. (共同通讯作者)

21.Wang, Y., Yuan, L., Su, T., Wang, Q., Gao, Y., Zhang, S., Jia, Q., Yu, G., Fu, Y., Cheng, Q., Liu, B., Kong, F., Zhang, X., Song, C.P.,Xu, X., and Xie, Q.(2020). Light- and temperature-entrainable circadian clock in soybean development. Plant Cell Environ43,637-648. (共同通讯作者)

22.袁力,谢启光,徐小冬(2019)生物钟与光周期响应,自然杂志Chinese Journal of Nature41(3): 168-173. (专题综述) (通讯作者)

23.Yuan, L., Li, Y.R., andXu, X.D.(2018). Chronobiology --2017 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.Yi Chuan40, 1-11.(专题综述) (通讯作者)

24.Wang, P., Cui, X., Zhao, C., Shi, L., Zhang, G., Sun, F., Cao, X., Yuan, L., Xie, Q., andXu, X.(2017). COR27 and COR28 encode nighttime repressors integrating Arabidopsis circadian clock and cold response.J Integr Plant Biol59,78-85. (通讯作者)

25.Zhang, B., Wang, X., Zhao, Z., Wang, R., Huang, X., Zhu, Y., Yuan, L., Wang, Y.,Xu, X., Burlingame, A.L., Gao, Y., Sun, Y., and Tang, T. (2015) OsBRI1 activates BR signaling by preventing binding between the TPR and kinase domains of OsBSK3 via phosphorylation.PlantPhysiology170, 1149-1161.

26.谢启光,徐小冬(2015)植物生物钟与关键农艺性状调控,《雷火体育》27(11): 1336-1344. (专题综述)(通讯作者)

27.Xing, H., Wang, P., Cui, X., Wang, L., Zhang, C., Liu, X., Yuan, L., Li, Y., Xie, Q., andXu, X.(2015). LNK1 and LNK2 recruitment to the evening element require morning expressed circadian related MYB-like transcription factors.Plant Signaling & Behavior, 10(3):e1010888. doi: 10.1080/15592324.2015.1010888. (通讯作者)

28.Xie, Q., Wang, P., Liu, X., Yuan, L., Wang, L., Zhang, C., Li, Y., Xing, H., Zhi, L., Yue, Z., Zhao, C., McClung, C.R., andXu, X.(2014). LNK1 and LNK2 are transcriptional coactivators in the Arabidopsis circadian oscillator.Plant Cell26, 2843-2857. (通讯作者)

29.Cui, X., Lu, F., Li, Y., Xue, Y., Kang, Y., Zhang, S., Qiu, Q., Cui, X., Zheng, S., Liu, B.,Xu, X., and Cao, X.(2013). Ubiquitin-specific proteases UBP12 and UBP13 act in circadian clock and photoperiodic flowering regulation in Arabidopsis.Plant Physiol162, 897-906.(雷火体育合作研究)

30.徐小冬,谢启光(2013)植物生物钟研究的历史回顾与最新进展,自然杂志Chinese Journal of Nature 35(2): 118-126. (专题综述) (通讯作者)

31.Wang X, Wu F, Xie Q, Wang H, Wang Y, Yue Y, Gahura O, Ma S, Liu L, Cao Y, Jiao Y, Puta F, McClung CR,Xu X, Ma L (2012) SKIP Is a Component of the Spliceosome Linking Alternative Splicing and the Circadian Clock in Arabidopsis.Plant Cell24, 3278-3295.(雷火体育合作成果)

32.Xie, Q., Soutto, M.,Xu, X., Zhang, Y. and Johnson, C. H. (2011) Bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) imaging in plant seedlings and mammalian cells,Methods Mol Biol680: 3-28.

33.Lou, P.*, Xie, Q.*,Xu, X.*, Edwards, C. E., Brock, M. T., Weinig, C. and McClung, C. R. (2011) Genetic architecture of the circadian clock and flowering time in Brassica rapa,Theor Appl Genet123(3): 397-409.*co-first author.

34.Edwards, C. E., Ewers, B. E., Williams, D. G., Xie, Q., Lou, P.,Xu, X., McClung, C. R. and Weinig, C. (2011) The genetic architecture of ecophysiological and circadian traits in Brassica rapa,Genetics189(1): 375-90.

35.Xu X, Xie Q, & McClung CR (2010) Robust circadian rhythms of gene expression in Brassica rapa tissue culture.Plant Physiol153(2):841-850.

36.Xu, X.,Graeff, R., Xie, Q., Gamble, K.L., Mori, T., and Johnson, C.H. (2009). Comment on "The Arabidopsis circadian clock incorporates a cADPR-based feedback loop".Science. 326, 230.

37.Hotta CT *,Xu X*, Xie Q, Dodd AN, Webb AAR and Johnson CH. (2008) Are there multiple circadian clocks in plants?Plant Signaling & Behavior5, 342-344.* co-first author.

38.Gutiérrez R.A., Stokes T.L., Thum K.,Xu X., Obertello M., Katari M.S., Tanurdzic M., Dean A., Nero D.C., McClung C.R. and Coruzzi G.M. (2008) Systems approach identifies an organic nitrogen-responsive gene network that is regulated by the master clock control geneCCA1.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 105, 4939-4944.

39.Xu X, Hotta CT, Dodd AN, Love J, Sharrock R, Lee YW, Xie Q, Johnson CH, Webb AA.. (2007) Distinct Light and Clock Modulation of Cytosolic Free Ca2+Oscillations and RhythmicCHLOROPHYLL A/B BINDING PROTEIN2Promoter Activity inArabidopsis.Plant Cell.19, 3474-3490.

40.Wu Y,Xu X, Li S, Liu T, Ma L, Shang Z. (2007) Heterotrimeric G-protein participation in Arabidopsis pollen germination through modulation of a plasmamembrane hyperpolarization-activated Ca2+-permeable channel.New Phytol.176, 550-559.

41.Xu X, Soutto M, Xie Q, Servick S, Subramanian C, von Arnim AG, Johnson CH. (2007) Imaging protein interactions with bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET) in plant and mammalian cells and tissues.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.104, 10264-9.

42.Subramanian C., Woo J., Cai X.,Xu X., Servick S., Johnson C.J., Nebenfülu A., von Arnim AG. (2006) A suite of tools and application notes for in vivo protein interaction assays using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer (BRET).Plant Journal.48, 138-152.

43.Subramanian C, Kim BH, Lyssenko NN,Xu X, Johnson CH, von Arnim AG (2004) The Arabidopsis repressor of light signaling, COP1, is regulated by nuclear exclusion: mutational analysis by bioluminescence resonance energy transfer.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA101, 6798-6802.

44.Ma LG,Xu XD, Cui SJ,Sun DY. (1999) The presence of a heterotrimeric G protein and its role in signal transduction of extracellular calmodulin in pollen germination and tube growth.Plant Cell11, 1351-1363.

45.Xu XD, Ma LG, Sun Y, Sun DY. (1999) Activation effect of extracellular calmodulin on heterotrimeric G protein in pollen plasma membrane.Chinese Science Bulletin44,190-191.

46.徐小冬(2001)脱落酸作用的信号转导机理. “细胞信号转导(第三版)”孙大业,郭艳林,马力耕 编著.科学出版社, 319-332.


1.2021 The 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2021-Virtual) 2021 June 11-15.

2.2021国际时间生物学夏校(2021 International Chronobiology Summer School, 2021,July 13-14开封)

3.第五届亚洲时间生物学论坛(5th Asian Forum on Chronobiology, 2021,July 14-19开封)


5.V WORLD CONGRESS OF CHRONOBIOLOGY 2019(2019年第V届世界时间生物学大会)(2019, 苏州)




9.2018 3rd Asia forum on Chronobiology, Program committee member组委会成员,Chair for Symposium I-Circadian control of plant world, Keynote speaker;Sapporo symposium of Chronobiology (2018 Hokkaido University, Sapporo)





14.2017 Asian Forum on Chronobiology(Hohhot, 2017)



17.2016 International Chronobiology Summer School, Beijing, China(北京大学,授课理论课Photoentrainment Pathways in Plants;& Photoperiodism and Seasonality in Plants;实验课Demonstration of Plants’ Clocks)


19.京津冀青年科学家论坛大会 (秦皇岛,2016)


21.Cold Spring Harbor Asia 2015 Conference on Biological Rhythms, invited speaker (Soochow, China 2015)

22.Asian Forum on Chronobiology, invited speaker (Sapporo, Japan 2015)






28.中国农业科学院作物科学研究所 (北京,2014,2012)

29.中国林业科学院林业研究所(北京,2016, 2015, 2014, 2012)

30.Gyeongsang National University (Jinju city, Korea 2013)

31.Annual Meeting of the Korean Society of Plant Biologists & 5th Asian Symposium on Plant Lipids (ASPL), invited speaker (Gwangju City, Korea 2013)



34.第十届时间生物医学学术研讨会 (南昌,2013)

35.10thInternational Plant Molecular Biology conference (IPMB), invited speaker (Jeju, South Korea, 2012-10-22-26)








Molecular Plant (Elsevier)

Plant, Cell & Environment (John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)

Scientific Reports (Springer Nature)

Plant Physiology Journal《雷火体育合作》

Chinese Bulletin of Botany《雷火体育》


1.中国细胞生物学学会学会第11届理事会理事(Chinese Society for Cell Biology, China, 2006-)

2.中国细胞生物学会生物节律分会副会长(Chinese Society for Biological Rhythms)


1.Society for Research on Biological Rhythms, USA (2006-)

2.American Society of Plant Biologists, USA (2006-)


1.The 31st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research (ICAR 2021-Virtual) (ICAR 2021 June 11-15)第31届国际拟南芥研究大会/生物钟分会场召集人/主持人/报告人

2.5thAsian Forum on Chronobiology(第五届亚洲时间生物学论坛)召集人(开封,2021)

3.International Chronobiology Summer School (国际时间生物学夏令营),召集人(开封,2021)

4.2018 Asian Forum on Chronobiology(Sapporo, 2018)


6.2017 Asian Forum on Chronobiology(亚洲时间生物学论坛,呼和浩特,2017)

7.Chronobiology Summer School,国际时间生物学夏令营召集人(北京大学,2016)




11.河北省2011协同创新中心“生物钟与环境雷火体育适应性”学术研讨会,召集人:分别于2015年度、2013年度在任职单位组织,邀请来自美国范德堡大学(国际生物钟学会主席Carl H. Johnson教授)、北京生命科学研究所、中国科学院植物所、中国农业大学、中山大学、武汉大学、西北大学的生物节律领域同行进行学术研讨;总计邀请国外专家6名,国内专家20多人次做学术研讨。













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